JJ Carolan

Three Key Questions to Ask Yourself Before Making a Career Change

Ok, I’ll admit it. I am psychologically unemployable.  I diagnosed myself long ago and lately, I see that others have done so as well, especially after Covid! Hello Great Resignation. How do we CREATE the thing we were supposed to do?  The answer: through careful examination, which requires introspective questioning. Grab and journal, and come over to Three Key Questions to Ask Yourself Before Making a Career Change

3 Ways to Stop Using Blame, Shame, and Guilt

What motivates you? Better yet, where do you derive your motivation from? These are some of the very first questions I ask anyone who is seeking support in bringing their A-game to anything they deem worthy of excelling in. “So, in other words, there is a distinction between CREATION and CONSUMPTION.” ~CHRIS JACKSON, KINETIC LIFE

How To Make Exercising Easier


We all know we “should” exercise . . . but do we? Why don’t we? BECAUSE IT’S HARD . . . until we make it easy. I’m bringing you my vast experience as a personal trainer to help you understand how to kick off your KINETIC FITNESS . . . the kind that’s irresistible. Grab How To Make Exercising Easier

Vision, Legacy, and Alignment


Everyone has a WHOLE bunch of stuff going in the day to day … that doesn’t always move us closer to our long term legacy or vision. Thinking about it just on New Year’s or during your Annual Review . . . ain’t enough. Grab your coffee or hot beverage of choice . . . Vision, Legacy, and Alignment

Motivation, Movement & Momentum


Does life, career, your fitness, relationships . . . ever feel like a stagnent pond that just attracts a bunch of mosquitos? Grab your coffee or hot beverage of choice . . . and join me on Facebook for a kinetic way to kick off some motivation, movement, and momentum. Stop slapping at bugs and Motivation, Movement & Momentum